At macroplan

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Macroplan is a leading Australian urban economics, property research & planning consultancy

At Macroplan

We believe it is time to start doing things differently when it comes to planning for growth in our cities and regions

We can’t keep doing the same things, hoping for a different outcome. We need to work together to understand and harness the potential of digital technologies, AI, automation, diverse mobility and decarbonization. These are important drivers that will change our future, with important implications for housing, retail, office and industrial developments, including urban systems, forms and functionality.



We are an established, 40-year-old Australian company. We are economists, analysts, planners and problem solvers. Our clients love working with us because we apply different approaches to complex problems to generate results. We consider challenges through an alternative lens. We are focused on achieving meaningful outcomes. We are here for the journey.

We offer a national team with offices in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane.

What We


We specialise in property, planning and analytics. We work with landowners, property developers, architects, engineers, urban designers, town planners and policy makers to address complex challenges facing the property industry.

Why Choose


We create outcomes. We are innovators and problem solvers. We bring new insights, information and connections that help our clients achieve the best outcomes. We have a keen eye on the future, whilst learning from the past.



We are focused on answering big questions facing our clients. We are exploring how to deliver new and better housing and employment outcomes in urban and regional settings in response to population growth, demographic shifts, changing employment trends and decarbonization.

We are also exploring the role of AI and automation and how it will shape infrastructure, mobility and urban systems now and in the future.

Our team is currently focusing on the following themes:





Our team is currently engaged in a wide variety of projects nationally.

We are working closely with the City of Greater Geelong, the Department of Transport & Planning and Invest Victoria as
Town planning project for the development of Whiterock Estate in the Ripley Valley.
The Department of Regional NSW engaged Macroplan to create an interactive mapping tool identifying business enterprises in the Hunter Region.

Roles available at macroplan

Want to join the Macroplan team

Contact Us

Level 12, 360 Elizabeth Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
PH: (03) 9600 0500
Level 10, 580 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000
PH: (02) 9221 5211

Level 54, 111 Eagle Street
Brisbane, QLD, 4000
PH: (07) 3221 8166

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