Our Work

Whiterock Estate Masterplanned Community, Ripley Valley, QLD

Client: Intrapac Property

Macroplan continues to provide town planning, project management and economic services to Intrapac Property for the development of Whiterock Estate in the Ripley Valley Priority Development Area, Ipswich LGA QLD.

Macroplan’s involvement has evolved from feasibility, due diligence, project visioning and masterplan approval to coordination of planning, environmental and construction approvals for the estate, including:

  • 2,300 residential lots
  • Retail Precinct (8-10,000sqm GFA)
  • Primary School
  • Sportsground and network of local parks
  • 200ha of conservation land with recreational trails
  • New connection to the Centenary Hwy
  • Community House
  • Display Village
  • Estate Sales Centre
  • Waterplay and adventure play destination park.


Macroplan also assisted Intrapac in securing access to a $15M catalyst infrastructure loan from Economic Development Queensland to construct a new 2km entrance road to the estate from the Centenary Hwy.  Seeking the catalyst funding along with the necessary approvals from EDQ, TMR and Ipswich City Council brought forward the delivery of the project 10-15 years, facilitating road access and with it an infrastructure corridor able to service a previously inaccessible and unserviced land holding.



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The study required a comprehensive understanding of the FIFO/worker accommodation market, a competitor analysis to inform potential room rates, what
Macroplan was asked to assess future demand for commercial and retail space in the Oran Park town centre.
Macroplan was engaged by Transport for NSW to prepare a highest and best use (HBU) assessment addressing several potential uses

Contact Us

Level 12, 360 Elizabeth Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
PH: (03) 9600 0500
Level 10, 580 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000
PH: (02) 9221 5211

Level 54, 111 Eagle Street
Brisbane, QLD, 4000
PH: (07) 3221 8166

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