Our Services

What do we do

We know that new technology and decarbonisation will change the way we plan, design and build cities. We know that AI and automation will dramatically change how we live, work and travel. Our clients want to be leaders in managing this change. We help our clients harness and interpret change.


We specialise

In the following

Urban Economics
& Property Research

Our areas of expertise include urban economics and retail analysis, population forecasting and demographic analysis, residential market research and analysis, market needs assessments.


We offer town planning services with a focus on securing timely approvals, rezonings and providing planning advice.

Retail Analysis
& Insights

We collect varied data sets, create analytical systems and mapping tools, and design new pathways to assist our clients in making informed future decisions.

Financial Modelling
& Feasibility Analysis

We provide financial modelling and feasibility studies, as well as business case creation, commercial bid management, and transaction assistance to support the rationale for investment.

Data Analytics
& GIS Mapping

We provide detailed analysis and information by using geographical information systems (GIS) as spatial analysis and communication tools though an interactive online mapping service.

Tools & Assessments Supporting Decarbonization

We specialise in providing input to funding applications, assessments and certification programs supporting Australia’s transition towards net zero.



Our team is currently engaged in a wide variety of projects nationally.

The study required a comprehensive understanding of the FIFO/worker accommodation market, a competitor analysis to inform potential room rates, what
Macroplan was asked to assess future demand for commercial and retail space in the Oran Park town centre.
Macroplan was engaged by Transport for NSW to prepare a highest and best use (HBU) assessment addressing several potential uses

Contact Us

Level 12, 360 Elizabeth Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
PH: (03) 9600 0500
Level 10, 580 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000
PH: (02) 9221 5211

Level 54, 111 Eagle Street
Brisbane, QLD, 4000
PH: (07) 3221 8166

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