What do we do?
Whilst urban economics is a broad discipline, our team focuses on understanding the economic drivers of the Australian economy, including population growth, immigration, demographic change, interest rates and inflation, and how these elements influence outcomes across the property sector.
Urban Economics & Property Research
We have a deep understanding the drivers of population growth and household formation, which enables the preparation of forecasts across a range of market segments, on a small area basis.
The most significant drivers of population change include net overseas migration (NOM), net interstate migration (NIM) and natural causes such as births and deaths.
We use this information, together with key socio-demographic indicators such as age, household type, income, wealth and labour force participation and journey to work (for example) to prepare forecasts for many market segments.
How do we add value for our clients
Property research focuses on measuring, interpreting and understanding historic, current and future drivers of demand, supply, pricing and market penetration across a variety of market segments. We specialise in the following:
Economic Impact Assessments
Retirement living / aged care
Commerical office
Including flexible, collaborative and coworking spaces in CBDs, CBD-
fringe, suburban and regional contexts.
Hotels / hospitality & tourism
Industrial areas & business parks
Community infrastructure
Including private and public hospitals, teaching hospitals and a range of allied
healthcare services including dental, physiotherapy, chirotherapy, podiatry, osteopathy, etc.
Delivering Outcomes
Our team has a deep understanding mechanisms involved in delivering outcomes across a variety of markets, including:
- Build to sell (BTS)
- Build to rent (BTR)
- Build to rent to buy
- Build to churn (BTC)
- Shared equity schemes
- Community Housing Providers (CHPs)
- Affordable Housing Associations (AHAs)
- Land lease communities (LLC)
- Manufactured home estates (MHE)
- Public private partnerships (PPPs)
- Joint venture partnerships (JVs)
- Development Management Agreements (DMAs)
Macroplan Urban Economics & Property Research Team
Contact The Leaders In Urban Economics & Property Research
Our team is currently engaged in a wide variety of projects nationally.
Contact Us
Level 54, 111 Eagle Street
Brisbane, QLD, 4000
PH: (07) 3221 8166
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